Survivor – Week 13

After the shocking Tribal Council where Danielle was voted out, Jerri and Parvati are confused and mad at Russell for turning on Danielle. Parvati is still focused on getting Rupert and Colby eliminated before any other Villains. Uh oh! Tree mail this week was a Sprint phone that had brief messages from the survivors’ loved ones. Seeing those videos really energized the survivors. At the Reward Challenge, each survivor had to work with their family member to fill a bucket of water. It was a fun challenge to watch – I’d actually like to try it myself. Although I’d hate to be the one trying to catch the water; Colby got WAY too mad at his brother during the challenge. Colby, don’t take it out on him; he’s there to help you! The reward was an amazing experience at a natural phenomenon called the blowholes. Jerri, Parvati, and Sandra got to spend time together with their loved ones.
Russell was not pleased at all at Jerri for passing him over twice when she had the chance to take someone with her to the reward. “She’s in trouble now, she screwed up.” Back at the camp, he made a pact with Rupert and Colby to take them to the final 3. Jeez, how many times has Russell said that? “This is it, the final 3….we’re gonna be the final 3…..we can take this to the final 3.” He’s like a broken record. Rupert knows this, but agreed to the alliance – it’s the best choice he had. Together they decided to vote Parvati out – Russell’s starting to see her as a threat for the million dollars. When Parvati won the Immunity Challenge, that plan was scrapped. Poor Rupert got voted out at Tribal Council.
What was Rupert thinking? Don’t piss people off! Why o why would he saw tree limbs and break branches right next to where the rest of the survivors are sleeping? That’s the best way to make enemies. Rupert, NO! Keep your mind in the game, don’t slip now! I guess his fate was sealed being outnumbered by the Villains, but I think he could have played a little smarter. Sandra approached him and floated the idea of getting rid of Russell – that would have been the best time to do it. Russell wouldn’t have seen it coming and a few of the girls may have voted for him as well. Unfortunately, if they would have voted him out, then the men would be outnumbered and the alliance to Russell was Colby and Rupert’s best choice. Russell ended up screwing over Rupert, so maybe they should have done it after all.
After the show we got to see a preview of next week’s show…wait…what? The season finale is THIS SUNDAY!?!! Are you serious? I can’t believe it! The season’s coming to an end. What will I do on Thursday nights now? I guess it’s back to the ol’ Xbox, GAME ON!

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