Survivor – Week 12

This episode was a doubleheader – 2 survivors were voted out! Wow, that’ll kick things into high gear! At the beginning of the show, Rupert decided to call Russell out in front of everyone, hoping to expose him for what he really is – “a terrible human being”. I think it just polarized the group and made Rupert look bad. For the Immunity Challenge, Rupert really wanted to win (and after his verbal outburst he needs it!) but ended up losing out to Parvati. During the challenge Jeff tempted the survivors with treats, trying to get them to step out. Sandra and Russell took the first treat without even seeing what it was. C’mon, at least try! It was funny to see Colby step out to enjoy 4 donuts all by himself. Really? 4 donuts? Well, if they were Dunkin’ Donuts, I think I’d step out too. I love donuts!
After the challenge was over a clue was read that would lead to another Hidden Immunity Idol. Naturally, everyone wants to find it so things at camp were quite hectic as everyone scrambled to find it. Sandra eventually found it, but had to re-hide it to prevent others from finding out that she had it.
I thought it was great when Rupert decided to play like the Villains and put a rock in the pocket of his shorts and played if off like he had found the hidden idol. It was the perfect size! Russell fell for it immediately. “I know how big they are, I know how they sit in a pocket.” Oh yeah, sure you do! Then at Tribal Council when Rupert was asked about how things transpired at camp after the challenge, he said that he took of his sandals and took a walk in the jungle until he was comfortable. That sealed it for Russell; he was utterly convinced that Rupert had found it. The build-up was great, Rupert played the part well. When he put his hand in his pocket and pretended like he was going to pull out the idol then didn’t – I laughed out loud! He’s good! Everyone was looking at Rupert waiting for him to play the idol. AWESOME!!
I was really pulling for Rupert to win the second Immunity Challenge, and he came really close only to lose out to Russell. Rupert felt that he was certain to get voted out, but in a bizarre turn of events, Russell sets his sights on Danielle and eventually gets her voted out. She started crying at Tribal council, obviously taking it very personally. I think Russell was smart in getting rid of Danielle – he’s really lucky that things played out like they did during tribal. I think that made all the difference in how Jerri voted.
So Rupert and Colby survived yet another Tribal Council while being outnumbered by Villains. I just hope that this latest move by Russell eventually leads to his elimination. He’s fun to watch, but he’s WAY too confident and I’d love to see him blindsided!

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