Lost – The Candidate

This episode focused on Jack. At the beginning of the episode he told John that his surgery was successful and that he’s a candidate to walk again. Jack wants to ‘fix’ John – there’s the old Jack we remember! During that conversation, Jack tells John that his dural sac ruptured, I think that the dural sac may be the same one that he described to Kate when they first met on the island. Jack’s father was there though….hmmm. Jack digs deeper into John’s life and gets to meet John’s father, Anthony Cooper. Apparently, John got his flying license and took his father for a plane ride. During their flight something went wrong and there was an accident. John doesn’t want to be fixed because he considers it his punishment for causing the accident. As John is leaving the hospital, he has a brief conversation with Jack where Jack tells him “What happened, happened”
On the island, Smoke Monster John leads his people to the plane only to find that it is wired to explode. Jack reaffirms his desire not to leave the island, “I’m not meant to go.” Smoke Monster John thinks Widmore is trying to kill them, so he decides that the sub is the best way off the island.
When they get to the sub, things started heating up! Jack pushed Smoke Monster John into the water and everyone except Claire made it into the sub. Unfortunately, Smoke Monster John put C4 in Jack’s backpack – which made it onto the sub! “We did exactly what he wanted.” Jack said. Smoke Monster John had this whole thing planned! The moment s prior to Sawyer pulling out the wires were tense. They couldn’t agree on what to do – they all knew they were in trouble though. Sayid sacrificed himself in an attempt to save everyone. I guess there was still some good in him after all. His conversation with Desmond must have made him realize the error of his ways. Now when he meets Nadia, he can be proud to tell her what he did to be with her. Jin stayed true to his promise to Sun, “I won’t leave you.” They both drown in the sub together while holding hands. It was a very sad moment and I’m sure there weren’t many dry eyes out there.
What an episode, huh? It’s still weird to hear Jack say that he’s not meant to leave the island. He’s like a different guy – he told Smoke Monster John at one point that “they aren’t my people.” He’s definitely letting go more than he has in the past. I guess maybe that’s a good thing. There were a lot of similarities between Jack and Jacob throughout this episode, which was titled The Candidate. I’m just not sold on him being THE candidate. It’s almost too easy to predict. I’m probably wrong, but it just seems too obvious. Yeah, Jack’s starting to believe more and is dead-set on staying on the island, but I’m not so sure.

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