The Office – Viewing Party

Now this is what I’m talkin’ about! This week’s episode was great; there were some really funny moments that made us laugh out loud.
The office staff was invited to Gabe’s apartment for a Glee watching party. Michael was partially jealous throughout the whole thing. At one point he left the rest of the group to watch the show in one of the bedrooms, it was a bit awkward. Gabe had laid out all the fixings for a make-your-own-pizza station. This segment was particularly funny to me. On Monday nights I visit my best friend, and he normally makes his own pizza – it’s a trip to watch him do it. He tosses the dough in the air much like Michael did. Ironically enough, my friend also has a ceiling fan in his kitchen. Thankfully, there haven’t been any collisions with the fan at his house; although there have been some close calls! When Michael hit that fan with the dough, I loved it. I immediately thought of my friend and started laughing. I almost live that moment every week!
Dwight was able to stop Cece’s crying and Pam’s opinion of him changed quickly. To make sure that he stayed with the baby she had Jim get beer and pizza for Dwight. Jim had to feed it to Dwight as he held Cece. The whole thing was weird to watch. The look Dwight gave Jim as he was drinking that beer was almost something I shouldn’t see. It was unnatural.
Shorty after that, Kevin made his way into the bedroom and got under the covers of the bed, then started eating food. He wanted to “eat pigs in a blanket, in a blanket.” That was so funny. Like Stanley, He makes me laugh whenever he speaks. Just the things he says and the way he says them.
Perhaps the greatest moment of the night came at the very beginning of the episode. Everyone was at work and the Scranton Strangler was involved in some sort of stand-off with the police. Gabe told everyone to get back to work – you never know how long those stand-offs could last. It could be another Waco. Then Erin chimed in, “It’s pronounced Wack-O.” I DIED! Four months ago, we were playing a game with my wife’s family and her sister pronounced Waco just like Erin did. Of course I had to re-live that family moment with my wife. We really had a great laugh!

Check out this video highlight from this week’s episode.

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