Hell’s Kitchen – 7 Chef’s Compete

Last week’s episode of Hell’s Kitchen marked the first time the chefs competed in an individual challenge. Five well established chefs tasted each contestant’s meal and rated it on a scale of 1 to 10. Gail set the bar very high right off the bat; she held the top spot until Russell’s dish scored a perfect score. He really impressed the judges with his dish. In an effort to set myself (oops, I mean himself) apart, Trev went outside of the box and served the judges frog legs. Unfortunately, his gamble didn’t pay off and the judges didn’t care for his dish at all.

The losers were forced to clean up the dorm room as Russell and Gail had dinner at the LA Market with the executive chef. When I saw the mess in the dorm, I said, “What kind of people are on this show?” These chefs must be pigs! Don’t they clean up periodically? Maybe they wait it out to see how messy they can make it before winning a challenge and letting someone else clean up after them. I’m wondering now, who cleans up the dorm the rest of the time? Do they just let the place go to Hell until the season is over?

While preparing for dinner service Trev became fed up with the women and their constant questions. Some of that carried over to dinner service and his performance suffered. His ability to work with the team suffered and Sous Chef Scott had to get in his face. None of the contestants performed particularly well, having made it this far, these chefs should be able to get food out of the kitchen consistently. Russell said it best, “It’s embarrassing.” Sabrina and Trev were nominated for elimination and Chef Ramsay Thinkingbased on Chef Ramsay’s facial expressions, he wasn’t happy with either of them. I wonder what goes through his mind as each chef tries to explain why they should stay. Sabrina brought out the waterworks, but Chef Ramsay had seen enough – she was sent home. I think a lot of us were waiting for that to happen. The kitchen will probably run a lot smoother without her. C’mon Trev – keep it up, you’re almost there!

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