The Bachelor – Episode 1

Well, I finally sat down and watched the premiere.  I know I’m a little behind right now.  Unfortunately, I was only recently made aware that the first few episodes were about 2 hours long.  Ugghh!!  I wish I would have known this before I decided to start blogging about the show.  In any event, I’m a few hours behind, but I’ll catch up.  This show is a huge time commitment for viewers.  I’m surprised that people can set aside a 2 hour block each Monday night to watch.  Although, I guess if you’re a true fan, it’s the best 2 hours of the week.

The show started out as I expected, we met the new bachelor and saw some footage from last season.  Jake had to relive a little of the heartache, but he seems eager to start the search for his fiancé.

We also got a chance to meet the women.  Their back stories were nice; of course there were women who found love, then lost love as well as women who never found love.  I think each woman offers something a little different.  I thought it was funny how each of them tried to make themselves stand out when first meeting Jake.  Some girls were creative, like the girl who wore gloves as a means to tell him she owns a Harley.  Some were cheesy and used some pilot jokes or “made you look” jokes.  I did think the jelly beans were a cool idea.  It was funny to see how quickly the claws came out when she explained that they were for all the other women as they left.  There was one point in the show where Jake said that he’s looking for inner beauty.  Um, we there was certainly a lot of ‘outside beauty’ running around the mansion.  I had to shake my head and laugh at that…inner beauty!

Ed and Jillian were back to help Jake narrow the field of potential women to 15.  Both were from last season’s Bachelorette.   Jillian eventually chose Ed over Jake, so there was some history with them.  After Ed and Jillian interviewed the girls, Jake asked them who he should give his first impression rose to as well as whom he should send home.  Immediately I though, “isn’t that YOUR job?”  I was glad to see that he didn’t give the first impression rose to who they had suggested.  At least he’s thinking for himself and he’s not dependant on them.  I talked to my wife a little bit about this whole segment and we both had a good laugh.  Ed and Jake are apparently there to help Jake decide who to keep and whom to send home.  Jake, JILLIAN CHOSE ED OVER YOU!!  How can you really trust her judgment?

Overall, I think the showed flowed well.  I imagine it was pretty much like every other Bachelor premiere.  One thing that seemed a little over the top for me was when Chris asked Jake if he’d give up flying to be with any of these women.  SERIOUSLY?!  He’s not going to have to give up flying to be with one of these women.  I thought that was a pretty dumb question to ask.  What’s Jake supposed to say, ‘flying comes first’?  Of course not!  I guess that’s what all of the viewers want to hear though, that he’d give up his passion for the love of a woman.

Finally, the group was cut to 10 women, some choices were obvious, but there were some girls that were on the cusp.  How can he really make a good decision with such a small amount of time to spend with some of these women?

Well, that was my first episode of The Bachelor.  The episode was full of stuff that I laughed at and I even rolled my eyes a few times.  But that’s why people watch, right?

1 comment

  1. Celia says:

    Thanks for a insightfull article.

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