The Office – Classy Christmas

A few weeks ago The Office had its one hour Christmas special. There were quite a few funny moments in the episode and I thought it was a pretty good episode overall. One of my favorite recurring themes throughout the episode was the mini battle between Jim and Dwight. Jim instigated the whole thing by hitting Dwight in the face with a snowball. That was hilarious; it was a direct hit! Dwight retaliated and challenged Jim to a snowball fight and went as far as to dress like Pam in order to surprise Jim with a snowball blast.

Toby announced that he was taking a leave of absence to work jury duty and I thought that Michael went a little too overboard in making fun of Toby. His mood quickly changed when he heard that Holly would be returning. He was so funny when he exclaimed that the Scranton Strangler has “just taken another person’s breath away”. My wife and I laughed out loud when we heard that.

The story surrounding Darryl and his daughter was nice. Pam and Andy did their best to make the office party kid-friendly. Andy devised a little scavenger hunt in the warehouse, but based it on topical political questions. He then revealed the missing star and gave it to Jada. Darryl was funny when he said, “the game was over, seconds later”. Darryl and Jada bought out the vending machine and passed out the snacks to everyone in the office.

The ending of the episode was great. Pam had to walk a paranoid Jim to their car amidst a parking lot full of snowmen. Earlier in the day, Dwight had used a snowman to surprise Jim with a snowball attack. Eventually, Jim cracked and started to assault the snowmen. Meanwhile, Dwight was on top of the office building watching the whole thing. It seems like Dwight has the upper hand on Jim. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

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