The Office – An Office Costume Party

My wife and I are finally caught up on The Office and were able to catch this week’s episode as it aired. As the episode began, my wife said ,“It’s nice to watch them live. Now we’re watching with the rest of the world!” It was different watching the show with commercials; we’re used to watching through Netflix and haven’t had to deal with commercials. Also, since the episodes are generally pretty short, we can run through 2 or 3 episodes in a single sitting. Needless to say, that I’m going to adjust to the difference. More on that later.
This episode focused on a Halloween costume party, pretty much everyone was dressed up for the occasion. Of course, Jim wasn’t fully participating – which is par for the course when it comes to Halloween episodes. It was cool to see Packer in the office, but it seemed a little random that he’d be there. I wonder if we’ll see more of him in the coming episodes. Scranton StranglerAs far as the costumes, I liked Kevin as Michael Moore, Gabe’s Lady Gaga costume was very detailed and Stanley really got into the catwalk when it was time to show case his costume. Dwight was hilarious as the Scranton Strangler. I think I know what I’m going to be for Halloween. Watch out Stephanie!
Since the show is only a half hour long and commercials were peppered in there, it felt like the episode really flew by. Before I knew it, the show was over! I think it ended abruptly. Immediately afterward, we were put right into the next show, Outsourced. There wasn’t any break between the shows, which I’m sure helps to carry viewers from one show to the next. I just wasn’t used to that.
Anyway, after the show was over I felt a little let down. One of my friends has told me that he doesn’t think The Office is as funny as it used to be. Now I think I see what he means. The first few episodes of this season were OK, I though a few were pretty funny, but the most recent episode leaves me wondering. It could just be one bad episode and we just happened to start watching at the wrong time. We’ll have to see what the coming weeks bring.
It was great to finally be current with one of our favorite shows, but after Thursday’s episode, I wasn’t as satisfied as I thought I’d be. That’s what she said!

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