Survivor – Episode 1

I almost thought I was done watching Survivor.  However, when I saw that Boston Rob and Russell were going to be on the show, I just HAD to watch.  The premise of the show is a little different; contestants that are voted out are sent to Redemption Island where 2 contestants will face off in a duel with the winner gaining the opportunity to re-enter the game at a certain point.  This does add an interesting twist to the Survivor.  I’d like to see how this will factor into alliances that will have formed by the time the contestant is allowed back in the game.

Both Russell and Rob look to be a little plumper than the last time I remember seeing them.  Russell still walks around with a chip on his shoulder; Rob has that charming “I’m really your friend” attitude about him.  A few of the other contestants really caught my eye.  Ralph, the good ‘ol boy in denim overalls (and an impressive man-sweater) really spices up the show.  Phillip can’t stop talking about the fact that he was a Federal Agent.  After his performance last week, I wonder if actual Federal Agents cringe whenever he mentions his background.  Also, Natalie is a professional dancer…hmmm, what does that really mean?

Yet again, Russell singled out an attractive girl on his team and formed an alliance with her, but said he can’t publicize it because that’s what the rest of the team will expect.  I still don’t trust him.

Here are a few funny things happened this episode:

–        As Francesca was describing her new alliance partner, Phillip, she mentioned that he was wearing droopy brief.  And that’s what he was wearing!  Who does that?!

Phillip Droopy

–        Russell’s face as shown here tells us everything

Russell Shifty Eyes

At Tribal Council Phillip blew the cover off of his alliance’s plan to vote for Rob.  He even revealed that Kristina had a hidden immunity idol.  What a fool!  C’mon man, haven’t you seen this show, don’t you know how this works?  I think it will be difficult for him to be trusted now.  Good luck lasting in the game Phillip.

I feel pumped up about this show.  There are some good contestants, personality-wise anyway.  Boston Rob and Russell just add to the experience.  I can’t wait to get into Survivor again!

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