Lost – Happily Ever After

Well, surprise, surprise, I was wrong again! This episode focused on Desmond Hume, not Ben Linus or Dharma as I predicted in an earlier post. That being said, I think this was a pretty good episode, we’re still a little confused as to how everything connects together, but we’re getting there.
It looks like Desmond is a central piece to this puzzle. Widmore said that Desmond will have to make a sacrifice or everyone else will be gone forever. Interesting. I wonder what will happen next, as Sayid no doubt will lead Desmond to Smoke Monster John. Desmond seems at peace with his destiny, as the episode closed, he willingly went with Sayid instead of trying to get back to the mainland.
The flash sideways was full of characters that we’ve seen before. The most notable difference to me was how Widmore respected Desmond. Widmore actually shared some of his “priceless” Scotch with Desmond, telling him, “nothings too good for you.” Just like their time on the island, Charlie and Desmond benefit from each other. When Desmond was trying to get Charlie out of the sinking car, he had a flash to the moment on the island when he learned that the freighter was not Penny’s boat. There was another moment in the LAX terminal when he told Claire that her baby was going to be a boy. It’s almost like Desmond can see glimpses of the future. We know it’s going to be a boy, and we also know that Desmond saw Charlie’s future when they were on the island. Maybe Desmond still has that skill.
Desmond’s encounter with Eloise was also interesting. She told him “that it is a violation, stop looking for it. You’re not ready.” Looking for what? Not ready for what? Could it be that Desmond’s mindset at the time (keep in mind that he’s unconscious as he’s experiencing this.) makes him “not ready”, and that finding a way off the island is what he should stop looking for? When he finally regained consciousness, we saw a very different Desmond. Maybe he’s ready now.
We got to see Daniel Faraday again, no wait…its Daniel Widmore now and he’s a musician, not a quantum physicist. Is your head spinning yet? In a way that makes sense. If everyone left the island in 1977, there was no need for Eloise to force Daniel to choose physics over music. He never went to the island and never got shot by his mother. However, he asked Desmond, “What if this was not supposed to be our lives?” He also shared with Desmond that he thinks he may have already set off an atomic bomb. It seems like the island still has power over these people. It’s calling to them, even though they never crashed there (and from the bottom of the ocean mind you!)

1 comment

  1. You are much better than me at interpreting the meaning of so many things as well as keeping tract of what’s happened already and how everything fits in. I’m totally confused and only hope that by the last episode it will all make sense. Either way, I can always look back at your blogs for more insight. Keep up the good work! :)

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