Hell’s Kitchen: A New Season Begins, and First Impressions Aren’t What They Seem

For the season premiere of Hell’s Kitchen, my wife and I had my family over again. It was so much fun to watch the show with them for the season finale that we wanted to enjoy their company again. Once again, Lucie stole the show! She’s all over the place now; we had to divide our attention between her and the show. We were all excited to see what was in store this year. And boy, were we ever surprised!
Chef Ramsay sure knows how to pick ‘em. Right away we formed some opinions on some of these chefs and had them altered minutes later. For the first cook-off, Chef Ramsay asked the competing chefs to create their signature dishes. From what I saw during that challenge, Boris seemed like he was a step above some of the other chefs. Later on, I realized that my first impression of him was not accurate at all. As always, there were a few unique chefs, Raj, Vinny and Sabrina jump to mind.
This year’s initial challenge was a little different than previous years; one chef’s signature dish was so bad that Chef Ramsay had it passed around among the other chefs. How embarrassing it must have been for Antonia. Unfortunately, before the competition got started Antonia had a medical issue that forced her out of Hell’s Kitchen. Yeah her signature dish was terrible, but it’s always disappointing to see someone leave before they really get a chance to show what they can do.
The men won the first challenge and got to enjoy some time at a Cellar 360 where Raj drank a little too much wine. He went on to tell us, “I only try to drink once a week, Raj karate kickbut I drink pretty heavily that once a week” He’s a real treat to watch and I hope he sticks around for quite awhile. At one point he was so pumped up (or drunk) that he went into a whole routine where he demonstrated his “ninja skills”.
Sabrina on the other hand is quite the handful. She was yawning during the signature dish challenge, prompting Chef Ramsay to pull up a chair for her. It looks like she’s more of a hindrance during prep and dinner service. I think she’s gonna be the outcast on the women’s team.
Let’s get back to Boris. After dinner service, he went so far as to tell Raj that he is a waste of life. Is he serious? How could he say that? That really changed my view of him; I lost a lot of respect for him. I think Vinny is the one everyone should be mad at. He didn’t have any faith in Raj and suggested to guests that they skip the sides. When Ramsay heard that, he was furious! That should have been the focus of the Blue Team’s anger.
When the show was over, Chef Ramsay had sent both Lisa and Curtis home. I think those chefs may not have been the best ones to send home, but they weren’t overly impressive either. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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