Chef Ramsay Mixes Up the Teams and a Vicious Rumor is Put to Rest

Early on in the first episode, Boris boldly claimed that he was the strongest chef on the Blue Team. It was obvious that Vinny took that personally. It was decided that Boris would lead the team during the next dinner service. That didn’t happen. Boris had trouble getting the rest of his team to listen to him. He struggled in the kitchen for both dinner services and he got kicked out by Ramsay. I think the funniest moment involving Boris was when he was presenting his salad during one of the challenges. Ramsay Towel WipeHe might have been nervous, or it may have been warm in Hell’s Kitchen – Boris was sweating like a pig! Chef Ramsay’s reaction was priceless. He gave Boris a little signal to tell him that he should wipe his face. Check out Ramsay’s face!
A few interesting things happened this week. Chef Ramsay put Melissa on the Blue Team and moved Trev to the Red Team. That change gave Russell a chance to really step up and take more of a leadership role in the Blue Kitchen. Vinny and Nona were given the chance to help plate the dishes during dinner service, and the Red Team had to eat raw flowers after cleaning both kitchens. It was funny to watch Trev get on Sabrina’s case during dinner prep. Trev would not let up; he kept after her the whole time. That’s just what the Red Team needed – Sabrina is too lazy during prep, it was refreshing to see someone put her in her place. Also, I’d like to point out that the tease we saw about Sabrina making the Red Team’s lives hell didn’t come true. She didn’t sabotage the team like we were led to believe. Another reason why you can’t put too much stock in what we’re told about upcoming episodes.
Now, let me address a vicious rumor. I have been asked questions on this from several different people. The most notable being from my brother, how could you be so mean to Raj like that?” My youngest brother pointed it out during the first episode. “Damn, what are you doing on Hell’s Kitchen?” Needless to say – my wife laughed hysterically! When I think about it, I think it’s kinda funny too. Apparently, Trev and I look alike. I’ve been told that I look like previous contestants before. Ironically, by the same people that think Trev and I look alike. This time I think they are closer to the mark. Take a look at this comparison photo and let me know what you think. Trev n IAfter studying both photos you can clearly tell that I’m not Trev, and I’m not a contestant on Hell’s Kitchen. My cooking skills would have given me away before the first episode aired! I hope that Trev sticks around for awhile. I know he’s not truly a chef but I can’t help it, I like watching myself on TV!


  1. Michelle says:

    Laughing hysterically!!!

    That is all.

  2. Cindy says:

    Hmmm… maybe without your facial hair and different glasses? However, I do need to clarify a comment you made about your “cooking skills”. I’ve seen you in action and you could give Trev a run for his money!
    On another note, I heard that someone has been plagiarizing my name so I will now only go by my “first” name!

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