4 Chefs Compete – Which Two Will Chef Ramsay Eliminate?

Chef Ramsay started this episode out by having the remaining chefs enjoy a wonderful meal. Then once it was gone, they had 45 minutes to re-create it. Right off the bat, Autumn is knocking pots and pans all over the place; she must have been in a huge hurry to prepare her meal! During the challenge it was cool to see how their interpretations differed. In the end Jay chose the wrong meat and that cost him the victory – Holli won the challenge. Her reward was a relaxing day on a yacht with her son, Dylan and his father, Phil. Back in Hell’s Kitchen, Autumn talked constantly while working with Ben and Jay; she was really annoying the guys. Once Ben found out what the reward was, he immediately got pissed off and lifted a huge box of supplies alone. The next day his back was killing him and he couldn’t help prep the kitchen. He stayed in the dorm and took a little nap, spent time in the hot tub and eventually got a chiropractic adjustment. He claimed to be finished and went to tell Ramsay that he was done. Surprisingly, he decided to stay and work the dinner service. Autumn, Holli and Jay were really upset; Ben didn’t do any of the prep work, and was able to bounce around the kitchen as if his back didn’t even hurt. Either he was lying about his back being hurt to avoid prep, or that chiropractor worked some magic.
Dinner service was fun to watch, each chef got the opportunity to run the pass and call out orders. I think they all did pretty well. Jay set the standard and caught both errors that Sous Chef Scott threw at him. I thought it was funny when Autumn missed one of Scott’s errors and then kept pushing stuff back for one reason or another. That must have been annoying to the other chefs. Jean-Philippe even threw in an error when he brought up a ticket for Holli to call out. That was pretty tricky; it had never been done before in Hell’s Kitchen and I’m sure that any of the other chefs would have missed that one. I think it was a little unfair to her. But I guess a head chef has to be aware of things like that.
When it came time for elimination, Autumn and Ben were asked to leave Hell’s Kitchen. I think those were the right choices, Holli and Jay have done well throughout the competition and really deserve to be in the final 2. It will be interesting to see how well they do in the finale. I can’t wait to see which chefs they choose to run their kitchen. Based on some of the previews we saw, it looks like both teams may have issues during dinner service.
Holli and Jay

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